With less than 100 days until the start of the Paris Olympics, the City of Light finds itself in a security quandary. Initially, the French President had promised to host the grand opening ceremony on the picturesque banks of the Seine River, the heart of Paris. However, security concerns have prompted a potential change of plans, with discussions underway to move the event to a more conventional, closed-stadium venue.

Paris Olympics: Securing the City of Love

Hosting the Olympic Games is a massive undertaking, and Paris is bracing itself for an influx of 13 million visitors. Security services have raised the national security alert system to its maximum level, and a dedicated Olympic intelligence service has been established to collect information on potential terror threats.

Paris Olympics

The French capital has witnessed its fair share of terror attacks in the past, including the Charlie Hebdo shooting, the Bataclan massacre, and the deadly Bastille Day attack. Consequently, the looming threat of terrorism has cast a shadow over the city’s preparations.

A Series of Setbacks and Flaws

Recent incidents, such as the theft of laptops containing security plans and reported flaws in the anti-drone shield system, have added to the growing concerns. Moreover, France has been warned about the need for a mammoth security apparatus, including crowd control measures and anti-drone detection technology, but reports suggest that Paris chose to ignore these warnings, leading to a series of setbacks.

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Paris Olympics

Splitting Security Responsibilities

In an effort to address the security challenges, responsibilities have been split between state and private enterprises. A staggering force of 22,000 private security agents and 45,000 military and police personnel will be deployed. However, this massive security operation comes at a significant cost, with estimates suggesting that the initial budget of less than €3 billion could balloon to around €5 billion.

Despite the challenges, the Macron government remains confident in its ability to avert a terror nightmare during the Paris Olympics. As the world turns its attention to the City of Light, the eyes of millions will be fixed on Paris, eagerly awaiting the spectacle of the Olympic Games while hoping for a safe and secure event.

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